Thursday, May 30, 2013

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach in Maui,Hawaii "Our intentions touch the sky" Class 21 (10min. video)

"Our intentions touch the sky" Class 21 (10min. video) for our Intention class series to reach our goals. "We'd never know how high we are till we are called to rise, and then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the sky." ~ Emily Dickinson ~

YouTube link to video:

Aloha Everyone, I just read a quote on this video from Emily Dickinson "We'd never know how high we are till we are called to rise, and then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the sky."

So how high can you now make your intention either if you are seeing this video for the first time or have bean following my intention class series we are talking about how high are you going to get your new intention out there! By talking to other people about your intention and connecting your authentic self how you relate to your intention to how are you going to get it out there to reach the sky.

How will you now get your intention out there?

How can you reach the sky like Emily Dickinson did by still reading her quote and her intention was to reach the sky and beyond ..what are you doing now to do the same?

*Please share your thoughts down below I would so like to hear from you....

*You can also post on any of my other links listed below. This class will be on many sites to make it easy for you or to have a friend to access. So please share these videos with friends they can come in on the class anytime or just catch up by just watching a few short video's.

Lets start a dialog that we can share as students and lets create the action get the reaction from all of you!

You can also share with me personally in my inbox on my Life Creations Edu. web. site at:

I am also on Face Book on my Like Page that link is:!/marctolli...

I am also posting on my Face Book Profile page:!/marc.toll...

I am also on Link In :­­­­a/187/

For my professional Salon & Spa industry professionals you can tap into on my
profile video TV page:

Also on my YouTube TV. Video Page under Marc Tolliver become a member:

With Aloha,

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach in Maui,Hawaii "Quote from Maya Angelou" Class 20 (12min. video) for our Intention with our Authentic Self class series.

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach in Maui,Hawaii "Quote from Maya Angelou" Class 20 (12min. video) for our Intention with our Authentic Self class series.

Your YouTube link to the video:

Aloha Everyone, I am now doing our video about our Authentic Self segment of our continuing education of our intention class that will still be going with a new subject relating to our intention.
I am reading a quote from Maya Angelou the quote reads:

 "You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you."

The whole idea of this quote is to from a bridge a connection from you coming from your authentic self and build a connection to other people threw your intention to the goal you are in action of placing and that there is a connection to you to other people and how it is affecting everyone around you who is attracted to the energy and the vitality you are puting out there for your intention by striking the mark for your goal setting but to also learn in the process of building up the energy to the goal you are now setting into place.

So who are you telling your new intention to?

Are people connecting to your intention? If not Why?

Are people seeing a shift in you lately? if not why?

Are you truly getting that intention out there now?

How are people responding to your own intention?

*Please share your thoughts down below I would so like to hear from you....

*You can also post on any of my other links listed below. This class will be on many sites to make it easy for you or to have a friend to access. So please share these videos with friends they can come in on the class anytime or just catch up by just watching a few short video's.
Lets start a dialog that we can share as students and lets create the action get the reaction from all of you!

You can also share with me personally in my inbox on my Life Creations Edu. web. site at:

I am also on Face Book on my Like Page that link is:!/marctolli...

I am also posting on my Face Book Profile page:!/marc.toll...

I am also on Link In :­­­a/187/

For my professional Salon & Spa industry professionals you can tap into on my
profile video TV page:

Also on my YouTube TV. Video Page under Marc Tolliver become a member:

With Aloha,

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach in Maui,Hawaii "Homework check-in" for class 17&18 (5min video)

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach in Maui,Hawaii "Homework check-in" for class 17&18 (5min video) Just checking in on how everyone is doing with there homework assignment. From my linie (balcony) please turn your sound up since this was filmed out side! YouTube Link:

Aloha Everyone....Just checking in to see how everyone is doing with there homework assignment for class 17 & 18 with sharing your authentic self with your intentions with other people around you be it family, friends or co-workers, then to be able to ask then 'Why do you connect to this intention threw your story of sharing your intention and you self to them on how this got you to do this intention. '

Also to see around you on how your intention will effect others in a good way being "Pono" Hawaiian word for "Do the right thing" or to be aware on how this intention can effect others in a positive way.

How is your intention effecting others?

Have you hit any blocks with your setting your intentions?

Have you shared with others your intention? If not why?

Is your intention going to effect others in a positive way?

*Please share your thoughts down below I would so like to hear from you....

*You can also post on any of my other links listed below. This class will be on many sites to make it easy for you or to have a friend to access. So please share these videos with friends they can come in on the class anytime or just catch up by just watching a few short video's.

Lets start a dialog that we can share as students and lets create the action get the reaction from all of you!

You can also share with me personally in my inbox on my Life Creations Edu. web. site at:

I am also on Face Book on my Like Page that link is:!/marctolli...

I am also posting on my Face Book Profile page:!/marc.toll...
I am also on Link In :­­­a/187/

For my professional Salon & Spa industry professionals you can tap into on my
profile video TV page:

Also on my YouTube TV. Video Page under Marc Tolliver become a member:

With Aloha,

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach in Maui,Hawaii "Pono" with your intention. Class 18 (10min video)

"Pono" with your intention. Class 18 (10min video) The Hawaiian word "Pono" translates to "Do the right thing" or it can also mean be aware of others around you while doing the right thing. YouTube link:

Here I am talking about showing up as our authentic self while owning our intention and how others can relate to you and setting your intention to start telling people about action to your goal you are setting for your self and for others as well to relate to, then asking them "why do they relate to my intention" also what can they get from your intention for themselves and what can they do to help you in your intention be it personal or professional and to be aware of how they can relate you and to others.

I also gave a homework assignment to just start shareing with your family & friends or co-workers your intention and see how they can connect to your intention threw your story of how you created this intention to be relatable to them and why they can connect with your intention and how they can share this with others.

What is doing the right thing "Pono" with other people with your intention giving you?

Remember to ask "why" and how people relate to your personal or professional intention.

How do you relate to your intention now that others know and see your intention?

How are others relating to your intention? and "Why"

How are you relating to your intention?

*Please share your thoughts down below I would so like to hear from you....

*You can also post on any of my other links listed below. This class will be on many sites to make it easy for you or to have a friend to access. So please share these videos with friends they can come in on the class anytime or just catch up by just watching a few short video's.
Lets start a dialog that we can share as students and lets create the action get the reaction from all of you!

You can also share with me personally in my inbox on my Life Creations Edu. web. site at:

I am also on Face Book on my Like Page that link is:!/marctolli...

I am also posting on my Face Book Profile page:!/marc.toll...
I am also on Link In :­­a/187/

For my professional Salon & Spa industry professionals you can tap into on my
profile video TV page:

Also on my YouTube TV. Video Page under Marc Tolliver become a member:

With Aloha,

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach in Maui,Hawaii "Pono" With your ...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach Class 17 (10min.) "Laser Beam to Authentic Self" with your intention.

Best Business & Leadership & Life Coach Class 17 (10min.) "Laser Beam to Authentic Self" with your intention.YouTube Link:

                                                                                       YouTube Link:

What I am talking about in this video is connecting a laser type beam to your Intention to your Authentic self. Really giving it direction now and puting a strong foucas on what you want and for others to see with your intention if it is a personal intention than to just foucas in on how this is serving you and it can be as easy as the intention to do Yoga to the intention that you are setting in your bussiness for others to see and to connect with with your authentic self and showing you or them "why" this is such a strong connection for you in hope for others to connect to your intention or more important for you to connect with your intention personal or professional for what ever that is for you.

I also assigned Homework (I will check in with all of you next week) for this video to just foucas in like a laser beam of your intention and Carrie a journal with you or I pad or even sticky notes and just jot down your awareness of keeping that laser beam intention and how it shows up in your everyday life and professionally.

How are others relating to your intention?

How are you relating to your intention?

Are you able to Keep that laser beam on your intention during the week with all the circumstance coming your way?

What are you getting out of keeping a laser beam personally out of this exercise?

*Please share your thoughts down below I would so like to hear from you....
Can you also look to the future of where you wont your life to go with your laser beam intention and create the action right now? if not why?

What is stopping you to look back with your authentic self to your new intention?

What is stopping you to look  wit that laser beam forward?

*You can also post on any of my other links listed below. This class will be on many sites to make it easy for you or to have a friend to access. So please share these videos with friends they can come in on the class anytime or just catch up by just watching a few short video's.
Lets start a dialog that we can share as students and lets create the action get the reaction from all of you!

You can also share with me personally in my inbox on my Life Creations Edu. web. site at:

I am also on Face Book on my Like Page that link is:!/marctolli...

I am also posting on my Face Book Profile page:!/marc.toll...

I am also on Link In :­­a/187/

For my professional Salon & Spa industry professionals you can tap into on my
profile video TV page:

Also on my YouTube TV. Video Page under Marc Tolliver become a member:
With Aloha,

Posted by MARC TOLLIVER AWARENESS COACH / LIFE COACH / EDUCATOR with Life Creatons Education e-mail:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Class 16 "It's my B-day with my Authentic Self with intention" (6min. video)

Class 16 "It's my B-day with my Authentic Self with intention" (6min. video)

YouTube Link:
Here I am talking about  our Authentic self that aligns with our intention It's my 50th Birthday today and focus on our authentic self to my intention to the goals I would like to set in life  going back from 3yrs. to 5 years of age to 8yrs. to 12 years old, then to 12 to 16 years old to 16yrs. to 20 years old then 30yrs old to 40yrs old and to 50 years old and how we can be authentic to our intention of what in our life brought us here today. to create our stamp on life and to our goals that we set by our values we have picked up in our life.

So what markers  do you have like a birthday or an anniversary in your life that can act as a time marker to keep you into the present?

What from the past brought you here to today to set your intention for whatever that is for you?

A birthday like mine today or and Anniversary or anything that can put a maker on your life is a grate way to look back from a viewpoint of today being in the present and being able to look back and see the experiences you have had in your life to bring you to where you are right now.

Please share your thoughts down below I would so like to hear from you.

 What is your marker in life?

Can you also look to the future of where you wont your life to go?

What is stopping you to look back?

What is stopping you to look forward?

*You can also post on any of my other links listed below. This class will be on many sites to make it easy for you or to have a friend to access. So please share these videos with friends they can come in on the class anytime or just catch up by just watching a few short video's.

Lets start a dialog that we can share as students and lets create the action get the reaction from all of you!

You can also share with me personally in my inbox on my Life Creations Edu. web. site at:

I am also on Face Book on my Like Page that link is:!/marctolli...

I am also posting on my Face Book Profile page:!/marc.toll...

I am also on Link In :­­a/187/

For my professional Salon & Spa industry professionals you can tap into on my
profile video TV page:

Also on my YouTube TV. Video Page under Marc Tolliver become a member:

With Aloha,