Thursday, December 27, 2012


Aloha Everyone, I am just only doing a test with a podcast I recorded on the 12/12/2012 event last week. I will now have video podcast on my blog & face book this is only a test of the emergency broadcast system!!!
This podcast is just a test and a bit rough did not wont to loose a good recording, but if you choose to watch and if this it interests you I do invite you to join me in my new once a week podcast they will be 3-5 min long and will follow one after the other on topics that will help you in life as well as business. Also I would like to here from you on what you think and if this did give you some type of incite please share I would love to here from you! Also you can share this pod cast although a bit rough with others as well.
With Aloha, Marc

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Start the new year off right and uncover the tools to heal & not just deal

No More Pain
Start the new year off right and uncover the tools to heal -- not just deal -- with physical, emotional, and mental pain.
One of the leading causes of suffering draws from our inability to love and forgive ourselves. While the weight we carry can often feel unbearable, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Learn to face the fears and judgments of painful experiences and for once, feel your feelings not just deal with them.
Pain can come from many areas within life and it is what we do with the pain that can make or break our lives. If you are truly sick and tired of carrying the weight of the "pain" in your life then now is the time to free yourself.
Join us February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for a powerful weekend of self-discovery, perfect for anyone struggling with pain in their life that is affecting health, relationships, career, or prosperity.
Space is limited--secure your spot today!
Register Now!
We want you to know that pain can be any type of pain you may be experiencing. Whether it is physical, mental or emotional. Left within the subconscious mind pain can run you unconsciously and create the very things in life that you don't want.
No More Pain is not your typical workshop; you will discover The Healing Formula and other transformational tools to guide you through every aspect of your life. Additionally, you will walk away with the ability to eliminate pain and step forward into a new life of purpose.
Within this 3-day workshop, you'll discover:
  • what role you play in life and how it keeps you stuck in a cycle of pain;
  • healing steps for rejecting self-sabotaging behaviors;
  • how to build your life and relationships no matter where you are starting from;
  • the tools to implement true healing in your circumstances and relationships; and
  • the path to living free from physical, emotional, and mental hurt.
Past attendees have experienced tremedous growth through No More Pain:
"I just completed the No More Pain retreat workshop and it has been one of the most healing experience of my life. This workshop helped me to find those places inside me and in my life that needed healing that I had always avoided because of fear. As I allowed myself to feel the feelings of anger, hurt, and pain and realize I wasn't going to die. I really started to live and see myself as I truly am." --Theresa Meyer
"Attending this workshop assisted me to understand my basic childhood and how my attempts to cope with the belief about myself has created intense conflict, drama and suffering in my life and in my relationships. I was supported and gently yet firmly guided to a new understanding of the roles I play and how to free myself from my own painful struggles to create what truly matters to me." --Marie Stevens, RN BSN
If you’re ready to put an end to self-defeating behaviors and attain your life’s full potential, now is the time to take action.
Watch the testimonial below to hear what Brenda, a past No More Pain (formerly The Roles We Play) attendee, experienced through the workshop:
The Roles We Play Retreat Testimonial - Brenda
Come experience this incredible journey with us!
February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for No More Pain. Pricing starts at $497 for single admission, and includes 3 days of coaching and training, all materials and literature, and lunch served daily.

Contact: Alejandra Crisafulli
Life Creations Education
760-390-5486 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 760-390-5486 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting

When: Friday February 1, 2013 at 9:00 AM PST
Sunday February 3, 2013 at 6:00 PM PST

Where: Newport Beach, CA

Meet Our Workshop Leader
AlejandraAs the Master Coach and founder of Life Creations Education, Alejandra Crisafulli brings over 16 years of business management experience and a proven track record for enhancing her clients’ lives and circumstances. With LCE, she’s revolutionized the life and business coaching models to produce tangible results and experiences for each of her nearly 1,000 clients. By developing programs on a one-on-one basis, Alejandra's clients have experienced improved communication skills, strengthened relationships, increased balance, and less stress. Clients are given the tools and the means to become successful in their lives. For more information on Alejandra and Life Creations Education, please visit

Thursday, November 29, 2012

We took power for love now lets make "Love the power"

Aloha... This is a web. site Choice Point  that you can post your own profile on and take an active part of changing the world threw social media watch the video it is very eyebrow raising to see who took an active part in making this video and 

We took power for love now lets make "Love the power"

With Aloha~
Marc Tolliver/Awareness Coach/Life Coach/Educator with Life Creations Edu.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do I need a coach?

Do I need a coach? 

Are you ready to take the first step?
Take our short quiz below - no need to send it to us. This quiz is to help guide you in recognizing whether you are ready to enlist the help of a life coach in reaching your highest level of personal potential.
1. Have you felt stuck either personally or professional in the past 3-6 months and haven't been able to figure out why?
2. Do you procrastinate even though you really want to accomplish things that you know you must do?
3. Have you felt personally or professionally lost without knowing what to do or where to turn?
4. In the past 3-6 months have you set goals for yourself and been unable to accomplish them?
5. Do you feel that you are on the verge of something, yet can't figure out quite what it is?
6. Does saying "no" to others leave you feeling guilty?
7. Do you know what you want from life?
8. Do you feel like life is happening to you and you have no control whatsoever?
If you answered YES to 4 out of the 8 questions, then the answer to "Do I need a life coach" is Yes!
Contact Marc Tolliver at Life Creations Education today to start on your new path!
Click on this link to see my profile on Life Creations
You can contact me threw e-mail:  or by phone: 808 385-1688

Thursday, November 22, 2012

"Gratitude" Being present to gratitude as the holiday season begins

Being present to gratitude as the holiday season begins to unfold made me take a closer look at the latter part of the word:


As it turns out, healing is all about the 'tude.

A 'tude indicates a state or condition. Typically, if we aren't healthy or are in pain, we can get sucked into having a bad 'tude about anything and everything. But when it comes to healing, our attitude can actually support us in reaching and maintaining a healthy state.
This month, I challenge you to give thanks in support of healing and to take a few moments to act out a 'tude of gratitude--your body, mind, and spirit will be thankful that you did.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Life Creations Education!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I am on Maui Shop Girl Blog, have someone right about you!

Aloha Everyone ..One of my salon clients just did a Blog post about me check it out.. If you have clients , friends with Blogs have them right about you or ask if you can right an article for there blog it will get you out there even faster.

Check out the blog link of my interview by Tania Ginoza of Maui Shop Girl Blog.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

If you can rule from your hart you can serve the world.

Aloha Everyone ,

Now that America has a new Mission & Vision I truly hope that both sides can now come together to make a difference in our world and our country. If you can rule from your hart you can serve the world.

With Aloha~

Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Vision is the act or power of positively anticipating that which will or may come to be.

I believe fully that without a vision you have no quest, no plan, no road to travel or map to follow in your life or career. You will walk blindly, not focusing on what you really want to create.

So what is your vision? Some people call it a quest … A life plan or others may call it a business plan. In a typical business plan, you would have entered all the numbers and facts on a spreadsheet in order to have a bank or have your staff believe in your dream.

I have a business or life time line that I give to my students. I call this the Vision Time Line. It doesn’t start out as a business plan but it will turn into a business plan after this exercise. Just these few steps will help you be more aware of your vision. Here is how it works:

On  A PIECE OF PAPER, write down the word: Vision. You are going to write your vision statement. 

 Your vision statement is the highest purpose of what you are doing. So to take a minute so that you can write your vision statement.  To do that again answer this question what is the highest purpose of what you are doing.  What is your macro picture for the future?

 Your future…

What is the vision of your life? 

What’s that big picture you have for your life?

Okay …. Are you satisfied with your vision statement?

I will now show you how to achieve that vision by using three things: Mission, Objectives and Strategy.
Let me explain each one….

      Mission: What you do each and every day to live into that future vision.

      Objectives: What are the results you want to achieve?

      Strategies: The long term/big picture plan. How will you get there?

On your paper under where you just wrote your vision statement, write down what would your mission need to be in order to achieve that vision?





It does not have to be lengthy. AT THIS POINT. It could just be a paragraph. Write down those 3 things your mission the objectives and your strategies.
      ●      Mission: What you do each and every day to live into that future vision.

      Objectives: What are the results you want to achieve?

      Strategies: The long term/big picture plan. How will you get there?

Okay, now, re-read your plan… and then project your plan 10-20 years into the future. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE ACHIEVED YOUR VISION THROUGH THESE 3 THINGS?
Now look back at what you did not put down or what you would change that you did not see before in the 10-20 year plan and regrets? Do you need to switch up the future from the present?
Here is where you lay out the direction to your road map and place markings to indicate where you are going, what will distract you or lead you off course. It can place you in a positive direction as the driver and it easily guides you and your vision to where you want to go…even if it is a little foggy ahead it can still give you a direction to move forward in the direction you intend to go.

I would love to here your comments or if you would like to send me the answers to the questions that I just provided above please e-mail me at I will reply back to you or just make a comment below.

Have fun on your success & life with Vision!

With Aloha,
Marc Tolliver Life Coach/Awareness Coach for Life Creations Edu./ Hairstylist / Salon Owner




Thursday, October 25, 2012



What does success mean to you? How do you apply success to your business and life?
What I hear a lot from my clients is that success only refers to money. But, success has many definitions.

On a sheet of paper, write down what success means to you in life.

… look at what you just put down. What is your definition of success?

I will share with you my definition of success: It is the favorable outcome of an action. It is growth, development and improvement. It is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose; the attainment of popularity or profit; an outcome of an action.

I’m sure that all of you have heard of the statement: “where there is an action, there has to be a reaction.” Or, Isaac Newton’s gravity theory: “what goes up must come down.” Think of the ocean tides that are consistent and ever flowing… that is like success.
Whatever you put out there must come back positive or negative. If it is an action, there will be a reaction. It is a universal law. So, be fully aware of what you are putting out there.

When I think of universal law… what is that? Like the analogys I just used, it is like Isaac Newton’s Theory of Gravity. It can be an action similar to the ocean with water coming in and water pulling out. It is also your negative or positive thoughts.

 If you focus on a negative thought, what do you think will happen?

 What will be the action? Thinking negative is the action and a negative outcome will be the reaction ... that is universal law.

 Like gravity, it is real. Just as if you throw a ball up in the air ... that is the action. The reaction is the ball falling back to the ground because gravity pulled the ball back down.

It is just the same with a Positive thought. Like a wave of water coming to the shore is the positive action. Pulling back into the ocean is the reaction and that is universal law. So negative or positive, whatever you put out there as an action, there will always be a reaction for you.

Funny, I can already feel you try to suck back the negative thinking and saying “I take that back, I did not mean that” but remember like the bumps in the road, sometimes we need those bumps to remind us that we need to get back on track in our original direction.

 Those bumps in the road can also serve as reminders that we need to feel and experience what we do not want or what we do want while traveling on our road to our success. When you change that negative thought into a positive thought, it will provide success in your life.
So, like Isaac Newton’s gravity theory: “what goes up must come down.” Think of the ocean tides that are consistent and ever flowing… that is like success. Whatever you put out there must come back positive or negative. If it is an action, there will be a reaction. It is a universal law. 
 I would love to here your comments or if you would like to send me the answers to the questions that I just provided above please e-mail me at I will reply back to you or just make a comment below.

"What goes up must come down"
Have fun on your success & life! 

With Aloha,
Marc Tolliver Life Coach/Awareness Coach for Life Creations Edu./ Hairstylist / Salon Owner

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


When you fill the maximum productivity in your life. 


The definition of Volume is…”The combined volume of two substances which is usually greater than one.”

 So the two substance we are combining are: (1) YOU which is all of you…your mind, your body, and your spirit. (2) YOUR VALUES – Having these 2 substances creates your passion in life that will drive you to fulfill maximum productivity.



Think about it if you aren’t passionate about something then how productive are you?  Where is that road really going to take you?  Most likely not where you want to go. Now there is one more thing to know about volume…which is that it also includes time. How much time do you put into your road map of life?

 Yes, we can just enter our direction in our GPS route map and it will guide you and map out your route. It can tell you, by electronic voice, the direction without you even having to look at the map.

But what if the machine is wrong or you want to veer off course for a little bit to look at the scenery being fully aware that you will go right back on course again. This is where you know how much time you have to do so and know how keep track of your goals on your road map to success in life and in career. How much of your values are you putting out in a given period of time? What is the volume of work that needs to be done to create the goal or mission in your life?
Productivity is a measure of the efficiency. SO WE NEED TO KNOW how do you measure your life? When you know your measure in life ... then you can see how efficient you really are in life.

Let us take a moment and write down what you think is the measure OF YOUR LIFE. This can be challenging to do so consider these questions in order to find how you measure your life: I am going to give you just a few moments to think about these now; however, they will be a part of your homework in the next week:
  ●      What is the HEART of your LIFE'S contribution?
  ●      Are you here to play following the follower or are you a leader?
  ●      Are you in pursuit of a worthwhile destiny?
  ●      When you consciously consider the value you’re providing in life, do you feel empty and fearful or peaceful and fulfilled?
        What is the meaning behind your deeds you do?
   ●     Was that meaning consciously chosen?
   ●     Do you have purpose?
You cannot optimize your productivity without consciously and deliberately optimizing these factors.

If we take Steve Pavling’s EQUATION OF PRODUCTIVITY, he says: Productivity= Value / Time

With the questions you looked at above you can begin to see the measure of productivity you hold in your life.
 Now let’s take this even further so that we can put it into the equation. If you were going to give the measure you see of your life a percentage rate what would you give it? Would you give it 100%?
Would you give it 80%, 50% 10%...what would you rate it as in percentage? Give your life a % to measure the value of your life.
Now let’s look at time and how much time you spend on the things that don’t support the growth in value of your life. For example if you are at work 8 hours a day and you hate your work or feel like it just isn’t fulfilling then you are spending 8 hours a day not supporting your value. If you work 5 days a week that is 40 hours a week. If you are doing other activities that don’t support the passion or value of your life then you want to add those as well. Now you may have to take a guess here on the amount of time you spend not increasing or filling up your value cup. So go head and put an amount of time you feel you spend not fulfilling your value. Let’s base it on one week. So, is it 80 hours a week you spend on things that don’t fill your value cup? Is it 100 hours a week, 50 hour a week how much would you say? 

Now we have numbers to apply into our equation so that we can see how just how productive we really are or not… let me share my equation

I gave myself 80% for value and 60 hours of time not fulfilling my value so putting that into the equation 80 divided by 60 = 75. If I put a percentage to that, it is telling me that I am 75% productive.

True productivity is far more than value/ time. If you neglect this importance, you doom yourself to the pursuit of spinning your wheels faster and faster and missing the whole point of life.
The worst part is that you will sense a hollowness and emptiness, in all that you do, because you are not living up to your values and creating the volume in your life.

If the core passion of any task amounts to zero, then your total productivity is zero. If you miss that the point of your life is in being balanced, then your ultimate productivity will be zero. No matter how hard you work and how well you attempt to optimize all the other factors, it still will be zero. This is why it’s so important to discover your purpose, your balance and your maximum productivity. It doesn’t matter how long it takes.

The only truly productive task you can perform, before you know your purpose, is to work to discover what that purpose is and the volume you can create and what road to travel on and know when you will need to do a "U TURN" or to just keep on going ahead on your road map of life.
I would love to here your comments or if you would like to send me the answers to the questions that I just provided above please e-mail me at I will reply back to you. 

Have fun on your new road to success & life!
With Aloha,
Marc Tolliver Life Coach/Awareness Coach for Life Creations Edu./ Hairstylist / Salon Owner 


Monday, October 22, 2012



LOOKING into values and learning what your values are.

When I say values, what comes to your mind? Values by definition are things that are important to you.  They are really guiding principles.  So on a blank sheet of paper, in front of you or in your notebook or Ipad write down this statement… WHAT I VALUE MOST ABOUT LIFE IS….. and write down three values… If you are getting stuck on writing down the 3 values then try writing this sentence… “MY LIFE WOULD NOT BE COMPLETE IF I DID NOT HAVE THIS THING IN MY LIFE…” What do you truly love to do?
Or what can’t you live without?

This is a good start to thinking about your Values, what you want in your life and what you cannot live without.

This sets the direction for your road map. These are the words that you want to put into your GPS route map so it can set your directions to show you how to get there. Your values are like the reflectors on the road. They are colorful during the day as road markers to steer you in the right direction; they shine at night or in the dark to reflect what you cannot see; they are flags to pop up when you are veering off in the wrong direction... and if you start to veer off course the GPS route map will say “WHEN POSSIBLE MAKE A LEGAL U-TURN”

When we are in alignment with our values and following our route map, we will be connected to our inner self and life becomes easier and more harmonious. When we are out of alignment, because we have veered off of our route map, our lives become very hard. We have to stand strong and on course with our map because that map is made up of our values - values that will relate to other people as well as to yourself and they are the backbone to support you in your life. 

Think of a high-rise building. A high-rise building needs a strong foundation. Without that strong foundation, it might topple over and fall to the ground.
Well, we are the same way. Our core values are our foundation. Without that core foundation, we will fall down. When we are out of alignment with our values, we fall down.

So I have some questions for you to see whether you are in alignment with your core values or not. 

On your paper just write down what ever comes to mind. 

 How much do you feel you are honoring those 3 values you just identified. 

 Do you use these values to create ripple effects in your life?  

 If so how quickly do those ripples dissipate?

 How much impact do your values have in your life?

 Is that limited or is it expansive?

How long do you really honor those values - an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a lifetime, 100 years, 1000 years, until the end of time?

 Do you quickly forget those values and quickly consumed and forgotten?

 Does your value create ripples through time?


Friday, October 12, 2012

"Mahalo" (Thank You)

"Mahalo" (Thank You) Everyone,  Who joined my part of the Telle-Summit yesterday it was a wonderful response ..The rest of the telle-Summit will still be going once a week on Thursday's at 3pm Hawaii time 6pm PCF time till Nov. 4th to hear the rest of the coaches from Life Creation Edu. my portion is finished but just tap into this link if you would like to still sign up for the rest of this Telle-Summit. With Aloha~

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Now you just need to fined it."


This Thursday, on October 11, 2012,  I will be delivering a telecourse, How to Achieve Maximum Productivity While Gaining Sanity & Balance, as part of the Coaches 7 Week Tele-Summit with Life Creations Edu. If you would like to join the Summit you can sign in at anytime!  I will be discussing: Building a road map to your life, goals and business;  knowing when you need to make a legal U turn to turn your life into the right direction; learning who you really are through feelings & values; and how to succesfuly achieve what you already have set into place - because it is already there waiting for you to find it."

How to Achieve Maximum Productivity While Gaining Sanity & Balance with Marc Tolliver October 11th

Are you wanting to take your life and career to the next level but just don't know how? When you're building your life and career, the biggest challenge can be knowing what to do and how to do it while still having a life.

In this course you will learn:
  • What success means and what it looks like in you career and life;
  • How to attain the vision that you have wanted to achieve financially;
  • The steps to take in order to develop your dream into reality;
  • How to have balance while creating more productivity with a greater sense of fulfillment.
You will walk away with tangible tools to support your growth. These secrets are the very ones that have allowed me to master my career, and have a life that I love.

There is more information for my upcoming class and the rest of the Tele-Summit. You can still sign up at any time.  Just click on this link below. If you have questions please contact me at

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wake Up and Heal!

Wake Up and Heal!

Can you believe that October is already here?!

As we wrap up these final days of summer, I'm excited to see what the forthcoming season will bring in terms of healing.

Historically, fall represents a time of gathering. In regards to
nature, fall is the time of year when crops are harvested and leaves are transformed into brilliant colors, cascading to the ground. Both gathering and transformation are true traits of the season, and can be seen in nature as well as human health.

October is the perfect time of year to evaluate your own well-being and begin to transform your body, mind, and spirit. Although most of take on a faster pace this month, use your breath to slow down--breathing can have a tremendous calming affect on your overall health by supplying oxygen to the brain, lowering your heart rate, and providing us with the ability to respond consciously, not reactively.

Take a deep breath and prepare for the changes that this month has in store. What aspects of healing will you focus on through October, and where will your eminent journey begin? Now is the time to wake up and heal!

Life Creations Education presents
7-Week Telesummit

Break free from life-long habits and behaviors that keep you frustrated, unfulfilled, tired, and stressed out!

If you desire to be the best you can; if you want to get out of your own way and begin manifesting the wisdom, love, joy, purpose, fulfillment, and balance missing in your life, then join us October 4th - November 15h for Life Creations Education's
7-Week Telesummit.

Learn to create a meaningful life from teachers who have achieved transformation within their own!

Throughout this 7-Week Telesummit, you'll discover:
  • Your true potential as a creator in the world. As a result, you will learn how to thrive, regardless of your current circumstances.
  • How to cut through the overwhelm of life.
  • Keys to breaking out and succeeding brilliantly, while moving confidently, in flow, and with unstoppable ease.
  • The spiritual truth behind why you are struggling in any area of your life.
This 7-week program will provide you with the tools for improving your circumstances and ultimately, your lives. There will exist a new understanding of one’s true self, core values, and purpose. You will experience a new awareness and inner peace, leading to a dynamic shift in both your internal and external worlds.

Each week, one of seven successful and passionate life coaches will give you the secrets to:
  • Procrastination (October 4th) – Lori Weber, Confidence Coach
  • Productivity (October 11th) – Marc Tolliver, Awareness Coach
  • Over Thinking (October 18th) – Elaine Cleland, Connection Coach
  • Relieving Stress (October 25th) – Theresa Meyer, Infertility Coach
  • Creating Fulfillment (November 1st) – Shelley White, Fulfillment Coach
  • Finding Purpose (November 8th) – Audrey Jones, Purpose Coach
  • Balance (November 15th) – Janelle Macrae, Freedom Coach
Click here for more information on the 7-Week Telesummit, including detailed descriptions of each segment and in-depth information on each instructor.

Register now by clicking the box below, and you'll receive the complete details via email.

The 7-Week Telesummit will be held weekly from
Thursday, October 4, 2012 through Thursday, November 15, 2012 from 6:00 PM PDT - 7:15 PM PDT. Each segment will be carried through via the LCE conference line, and is accessible from anywhere!
Connect With Us

Marc Tolliver
Awareness Coach with Life Creations Education

Marc Tolliver

As an Awareness Coach with Life Creations Education, Marc has a unique way of blending life coaching with business training, utilizing skills developed and honed through more than 30 years of experience in the hair and spa industry. As a former Paul Mitchell associate and national educator, his career has taken him all over the country, styling in resorts, theaters, for photographers, and on fashion runways. After aligning with LCE in 2009, Marc discovered a new purpose in life—helping to transform the lives of others through awareness coaching.

Marc supports his clients in implementing change in both personal and professional disciplines. By teaching clients to remain present in both body and in mind, he assists them in structuring the framework of their lives, giving them the tools they need to strengthen and grow.

Marc’s work as an Awareness Coach aims to support clients in visualizing and actualizing their own personal fulfillment. By keeping clients present and in a constant state of awareness, his work allows them to cultivate their personal and professional dreams.


"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."

Naked Audience

Naked Audience

Alejandra Crisafulli, LCE founder and Master Healing Coach, alongside Bonnie Bonadeo, President and Founder of The Beauty Agents™, have launched Naked Audience Productions. Together, Alejandra and Bonnie will masterfully direct and guide the salon industry's next level of talent to take the stage! Find out more at
