Monday, November 25, 2013

Best Business Coach/Life Coach/Leadership Coach in Maui Hawaii "Gratitude with Intention" (Video 45) (6.08 Min) "Got to get me sum gratitude"

"Gratitude with Intention" (Video 45) (6.08 Min) "Got to get me sum gratitude"

YouTube Link:

"Breathing is something to be thankful for." Oprah Winfrey

What do you have to be thankful for today right now?

This was an inspiration that came from one of my viewers that was sent to me.....What would you like to share?

 I would Love to be able to read your Gratitude in my special Thanksgiving Intention Video...For this Thursday or you can give comments blow this blog post comments below.....

You can also share with me personally in my inbox on my Life Creations Education. website at:

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I am also posting on my Face Book Profile page:!......

I am also on Link In :­iver/10/4­­­1­­­a/187/

For my professional Salon & Spa industry professionals you can tap into on my
profile video TV page:

Also on my YouTube TV. Video Page under Marc Tolliver become a member:

With Aloha,


  1. I am most thankful for all of those things that money can't buy: great friends, a spirit of gratitude and being present to the joy I see and can bring to others!
    Thank you Marc for who you are and what you do! ♥

    -Charlene A.

  2. "Mahalo" (Thank You) Charlene ...I am truly thankful as well for all that you posted and I love being a coach that I can share my thoughts and lessons with all of you and truly thankful that people tap in and if they can just get a nugget of what I teach that is the Gratitude for me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Charlene and what a wonderful share .. With Aloha~

  3. I am thankful for you and everyone in my life.
